Friday, July 12, 2013

A wonderful Work Day

Hey All!
It might be easier for me to update on the home page rather than the travel page.... So here are today's pics!
Today, as mentioned on the travel page, we hopped on the bus and traveled to our host site/partner in ministry site. After worship with them, we began our tasks!
With the direction of Juan Carlos, pastor at Buen Pasteur (seen in picture with cookie below) we painted and scrapped the church.
It was a great day of work and we are off to dinner!

A wonderful Work Day
Today we set out early for our host site and partner in ministry, the Episcopal Church Buen Pasteur. We began with a group devotion on the bus ride to the site
and then had worship at Buen Pasteur with Pastor Juan Carlos and his family and church.
After praying and singing together he heard some of the history of Buen Pasteur we began our tasks for the day! 
We scrapped and painted and plastered....
After our work we shared a delicious meal on site and then resumed work.
We departed site and headed home around 3:45pm for our evening of dinner and debriefing! See ya manana!
Our First Full day in Quito!
After a very restful and quick night in our great hotel/hostel..we began the day with eggs, coffee, cereal and fresh fruit. Our orientation began with the whole group gathered with our Youth World hosts. Cameron Graham Vivanco, her husband Roberto, and son Graham joined us for introductions and then Cameron led our orientation at the Youth World Offices.
After our orientation at Youth World, we went and ate lunch. Empanadas and yummy fruit abounded. Then we were off to the Basilica and the historic plaza to see and hear about the history of Quito.

We made it safe and sound!
After a full day of conversation, dialogue and travel- we are here safe and sound in Quito!
We are excited to spend the day tomorrow (well later today) seeing Quito and learning more about our partners in mission!
(leaving the hotel!)
 in the airport!

We have arrived in Atlanta!!!!

A wonderful time meeting and greeting folks! All 25 of us are here and ready to fly tomorrow! Thank you for your prayers!

Greetings and Salutations!!!

We will attempt to keep an updated blog as we travel. Our access to wifi is limited but we will try to keep a bit of a journal going as we travel! Share the website- we would love for all our folks to know and share in our mission team!

So glad to meet EWE!
This is one of the VBS crafts that we will be creating on Tuesday of next week. Also a great way for me to test out my technology and posting abilities! More to come!- Abi 

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